Corporate Social Responsibility Program
PDFoundation Corporate Social Responsibility Program is engaged to serve the society with its personalized programs towards those aims. It targets to summon dormant gifts and creativity out from a human psyche, its transmission to a daily stage of performance that is being fueled with dynamic management.
Global and Regional Impact Strategies
PDFoundation Global and Regional Impact Strategies Program embraces communication platform connected virtual and physical experiences and hands it over to participants to empower them with the recognition of their own fulfilment and appropriateness for life.
Mentorship and Encouragement Program
PDFoundation Mentorship and Encouragement Programundertakes conductive training utilizing spontaneous cohesion of human beings with natural actors among natural circumstances and natural resource management in order to inaugurate people to the positive solutions.
Specially Violets Program
For PDFoundation the sharp goal is to unfold the individuality and re-find the cooperation between human and nature. Specially Violets takes part in PDF’s educational programs and focusing on the mission to evolve the youngest by ensuring the widest range of possibilities for them to open their personality.
Humane Humanity Kuvasz Program
PDFoundation with Humane Humanity Kuvasz Program attempts to rediscover this centre of culture, core of values, and fair dignity of human beings. Our partners are the Kuvaszok one by one who serves as always Men's best friend and compass.